Know your genes!!

Article archive

09/09/2013 13:15

Reproductive cloning ethics

Arguments against the creation of human clones[1]   The majority of arguments against reproductive cloning have highlighted the possible adverse consequences on individuals, family relationships and society as a whole.  However principled objections to human cloning in itself have...
09/09/2013 13:11

Reproductive cloning process

In reproductive cloning the entire genetic code (except for the mitochondrial DNA) is reproduced from a single body cell of an adult individual.  The most common cloning technique is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The procedure is as follows1:  The nucleus is removed from an egg...
08/09/2013 23:47

Reproductive cloning vs therapeutic cloning

Reproductive vs. 'therapeutic' cloning Is there a difference? Cloning is done through a process called somatic cell nuclear transplantation (SCNT).  This is the scientific term for cloning. All clones made through SCNT are made the same way; the only difference is what is done with the...
08/09/2013 23:10

Cloning a specific gene.

Cloning a Specific Gene The foregoing descriptions are generic approaches to creating recombinant DNA. However, a geneticist is interested in isolating and characterizing some particular gene of interest, so the procedures must be tailored to isolate a specific recombinant DNA clone that...
08/09/2013 23:04

Recombinant DNA products used in human therapy.

Some of the products that have been used in human therapy are:- insulin for diabetics factor VIII for males suffering from hemophilia A factor IX for hemophilia B human growth hormone (HGH) erythropoietin (EPO) for treating anemia several types of interferons several...
18/08/2013 21:39

Therapeutic cloning

What is therapeutic cloning? Therapeutic cloning involves creating a cloned embryo for the sole purpose of producing embryonic stem cells with the same DNA as the donor cell. These stem cells can be used in experiments aimed at understanding disease and developing new treatments for disease. To...
17/08/2013 19:20

List of animals cloned so far....

 Carp Embryologist Tong Dizhou successfully inserted the DNA from a male Asian carp into the egg of a female Asian carp to create the first fish clone in 1963. In 1973 Dizhou inserted Asian carp DNA into a European crucian carp to create the first interspecies clone.[1] Cat In December 2001,...
12/08/2013 21:24

List of videoes

Here are the list of links which will give you some videoes on cloning:-   1.   2....
10/08/2013 16:41

An intoduction to the technique of cloning...

Cloning is the technique by which a particular organism's genetic copy is replicated i.e. it is duplicated to create an identical organism.   Now, cloning can be of three types basically:- 1. genetic cloning where the genes are cloned. 2.therapeutic cloning i.e. the cloning is used for...
08/08/2013 16:46

Website launched

This website is started as a part of assignment but I intend to continue it further so that in this way atleast I can help some people in getting the information they have been looking for. I intend to make it a a well searched after site for any news related to genetics.

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