This website will start with describing the process of cloning in detail . Later other information about genetics will be also provided.
This website will give details about genes, their functions, their applications. This site will give all those students frequent updates about what is happening in the world of genes.... I know being a student that there are a lot of misconceptions about this field as it is still in its infancy. This site aims to clear those misconceptions to a great extent.
Visitor's notice:-
Cloning is the technique by which a particular organism's genetic copy is replicated i.e. it is duplicated to create an identical organism.
Now, cloning can be of three types basically:-
1. genetic cloning where the genes are cloned.
2.therapeutic cloning i.e. the cloning is used for theurapeutic purpose
3.reproductive cloning where a new individual is created with the help of this technique
What most of the people think of cloning when they first hear it is just the cloned sheep Dolly. Well that is just a part of cloning experiments that are going on in this field... There is much more to it than just Dolly!!
This is Dolly the 1st animal to be cloned.
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