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Reproductive cloning vs therapeutic cloning

08/09/2013 23:47

Reproductive vs. 'therapeutic' cloning

Is there a difference?

Cloning is done through a process called somatic cell nuclear transplantation (SCNT).  This is the scientific term for cloning. All clones made through SCNT are made the same way; the only difference is what is done with the cloned embryos after they are created. Scientists may let the clone live—reproductive cloning; or kill the clone for her stem cells—therapeutic cloning.

Stem cell researchers want tax dollars to kill cloned embryos for stem cell research, but they say they aren’t really cloning because the cloned embryo won’t be allowed to grow and develop! Fortunately, in 2009 the Minnesota Legislature passed language, effective for two years, prohibiting taxpayer funding of human cloning at the University of Minnesota.

See for yourself that cloning is cloning, whether you kill the clone or let the clone live.



Reproductive cloning occurs when a copy of another human being is created through SCNT, allowed to grow up to 14 days in a petri dish, and then transplanted into a womb to grow until birth.

  • Reproductive cloning has been used to create Dolly the Sheep and many cloned cows, dogs, cats and horses.
  • 277 cloned embryos were created and destroyed before Dolly was successfully cloned. Even then she was a very sickly sheep and had to be put down.
  • There have been NO successful attempts to reproductively clone a human being ... yet.
  • The scientific community claims it is not interested in creating cloned human beings, but this is a half truth. In reality some scientists support cloning, so long as the clone is killed before it could be born! This is called therapeutic cloning. 

Therapeutic cloning occurs when cloned embryos created through SCNT are allowed to grow for a few days and then killed for their stem cells.

  • It could help advance embryonic stem cell research.
  • Many scientists feel that therapeutic cloning isn’t really cloning because the embryo is not allowed to live beyond 4-5 days, but the cloning process is exactly the same.
  • Human life begins at conception. Even if the young life is only five days old, it is still a human being worthy of respect.
  • Embryos created in this manner are not treated with dignity, not only because they are a cloned copy of another person, but also because they are not allowed to live beyond a few days.
  • Therapeutic cloning makes human life a commodity to be created, manipulated and destroyed merely for the sake of experimentation.




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