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Reproductive cloning process

09/09/2013 13:11

In reproductive cloning the entire genetic code (except for the mitochondrial DNA) is reproduced from a single body cell of an adult individual.  The most common cloning technique is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The procedure is as follows1: 

  • The nucleus is removed from an egg leaving the cytoplasm and mitochondria (cellular components derived from the mother)
  • A body (or somatic) cell is taken from an adult individual who is to be cloned.  The DNA is extracted from the nucleus and inserted into the prepared egg.
  • The new cell is then induced to divide using either chemical or electrical stimulation, thereby commencing the development of an embryo.
  • After several days the dividing embryo is then placed into the womb of the recipient and allowed to develop to term. The result is a clone – an individual that is the genetic duplicate of the individual from whom the original body cell was taken. To date this process has not been proven to occur in a human being.  If it did so, it is important to note that the resulting child would neither be the individual’s son or daughter, nor their twin brother or sister. The child would truly be a new category of human being – a clone.



Reference :-  

  1. Center for Genetics & Society (2003), Reproductive Cloning: Basic Science, [accessed 23rd January 2007].

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